Elvirina belongs to the Thumánn people, a breed that appears human. Their secret society is set apart by their unique gifts, a very different way of life and lastly how they love their men. At birth, every Thumánn female is appointed a soul mate. At the age of seventeen, Elvirina is more than ready to start her adult life with her given soul mate– Joshwin. Living apart from their own people, but existing amongst humans, Elvirina and Joshwin are forced to change schools. A shift in their relationship occurs when Elvirina encounters the enigmatic Blake at her most vulnerable moment and must face the consequences.

Nov 14, 2010

Chapter 32: Proposal

This chapter has been removed, but will be posted again as soon as possible.  

I am having the entire story reworked with my beta from the very beginning. I have removed all intermediate chapters up until chapter 33, so I hope for your understanding and patience because reworking this beast takes time.


  1. Hi readers
    I wanted to try something new and leave an A/N.

    I truly enjoyed writing this chapter and explore how far I could push the limits with Elvirina, Joshwin and Blake.
    I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed creating my fucked up plot.

    Now lovelies, you are awfully quiet execpt for a few two :-) Who I rewarded with teasers of the upcoming chapter a few days ago.
    I wish you would leave a word or a comment for me, it doesn't really matter what, love, hate, confusion, just anything. I will reward again with sending out a teaser to those of you I recieve a comment from and have your email.

    Take care till next time

  2. Awwwwhhhh I loved it. I didn't think I'd get into the whole "threesome" scenario, but now I can't imagine it being any other way!!!

    I can't wait to find out more, please please please don't keep us waiting too long :) :)

    Órla x

  3. omg i love it really good i just cant wait what is going to happen next nelly bu are such a great writer love this story!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  4. well sweetie- you KNOW I LOVE it! but i still think Joshwin is a bit of a sissy...


  5. I'm really hoping he will say yes. My heart will shatter if he turns her down. But, I could see another way out too... Which excludes Joshwin. I think I know that that's not an option though. And by now, I think you know I love your story :) But honestly, it's one of the best stories I've read online. Thank you for sharing it with us! /Malin
